election night distraction

Ack! A and I are watching the election returns and need to busy ourselves with something other than fretting over who will ultimately win this crazy race. The early McCain lead is freaking us out, but as CNN tells us, he was expected to win South Carolina and Tennessee, so no worries…yet.

nestingThat said, let’s spend a few minutes reviewing all things pregnancy. First, the nesting. Oh, the nesting! Here’s a photo that encapsulates the madness. In a word, quilting. I believe A was in the 5th grade the last time she made a quilt. She’s planning a gorgeous one for the baby as you can see by the fabric strewn across the length of the crib rail (yep, that’s the crib we got off Craigslist). But the nesting hormones are truly amazing. At this rate we are bound to have the cleanest, most well-organized house in South Minneapolis by the time the baby arrives, which is fine because it’s not likely to ever be that way again.

This pregnancy has been so perfect in so many ways – A has been healthy and passing all her tests (the glucose test was negative, meaning no gestational diabetes), the baby has been growing well and passing all it’s tests (obviously, we still don’t know if we’re having a girl or boy, but we’ll find out soon enough). So, it would seem inevitable that we would experience something less than positive at some point in this journey, and we did over the weekend. A got into a car accident on Saturday–not a bad one, and no one was hurt–but it was scary when it happened, and we did spend a little time in the hospital monitoring the baby to be sure everything was ok. And everything is fine, but then the day after the accident, A had what she thinks was her first Braxton-Hicks contraction. The timing was nothing more than coincidental, but given the recent events we weren’t entirely sure. A called our midwife and moved our next prenatal visit up a couple weeks–again, just to make sure everything continues to go smoothly. Once we figured out that the contraction wasn’t a pre-term labor situation, but something normal and common and nothing to worry about, we have been gradually gaining back our confidence.

a_votedAnd now, Barack Obama appears to be ahead in many states and has just been predicted the winner in Pennsylvania. The experts are assuring us that things are almost certain. The night seems to be moving in the right direction, and we are gradually, ever so cautiously, regaining our confidence. It’s only a little while longer until we know for sure.

7 Responses to “election night distraction”

  1. 1 Luke Earley November 5, 2008 at 1:01 am

    Hello andrea, i havent spoke to you in a while but nicki(my wife in case you didnt know her name) and I would like to congratulate you both on the pregnancy! After going thru it twice with nicki i gained a whole new respect and love for her and all mothers. A woman with child is an awesome and amazing thing. I couldnt be happier for you. Bonnie must be excited as hell. Wishing you all the best in your pregnancy and future motherhood, oh yeah GO OBAMA!!!

  2. 2 Erin November 6, 2008 at 4:36 pm

    EEK! glad you’re ok, A! — so scary!!!

  3. 3 The Flomerfelts November 6, 2008 at 6:02 pm

    I really like the colors of the baby’s room. Almost looks like Nolan’s new room. Good luck on the quilting. Oh by the way, congrats on your win…we aren’t feeling so happy.

  4. 4 Nancy November 10, 2008 at 2:14 pm

    the quilt is going to be beautiful, andrea! i’m in the beginning process (meaning, it’s only in my head) of making a quilt for friends who got married last year (and whose registry had closed out already). a queen-sized quilt seems too daunting, so i think i’m going to make a baby-sized one and call it a throw 🙂 i’m going to call you for tips!!

    and yay obama!!! e and i were in union square the night of the election to a party at the westin, and tons of people were out and about. every couple of minutes someone would randomly yell “alright obama!!” or something and everyone would explore in cheers. the collective energy was just amazing, and it felt great to have people united and excited about a politician.

    thanksgiving is in 2.5 weeks! i wish i were going to be at your place!

    love you!!

  5. 5 Jeanie November 11, 2008 at 7:50 pm

    hey hey,

    the soon-to-be quilt looks awesome i love the colors. I’m so glad you’re okay — how scary. miss you both like crazy…..

  6. 6 Kenny November 17, 2008 at 7:35 pm

    Love the pictures….unbelievable how fast this has gone! Nice quote about being the “pack mule,” unique metaphor! Glad all is going so well for the both of you….talk to you soon!

  7. 7 Lynne November 24, 2008 at 1:58 pm

    Eeeekkkkkkk! I’m so excited for this baby, who, by the way, is going to be born with the BEST fashion sense ever 🙂 I’m glad everyone is okay after the accident. If the baby turns out to be a boy, I think he should hold out until January 26, since that’s my little brother’s birthday and he’s a really cool boy 🙂

    I miss you all tons!

    Lots of love 🙂

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