Moving along…like one of those high-speed Japanese commuter trains.

A @ 31 weeksThe prodding worked. Thanks to all of you who have emailed and told me to get back to the posting. I apologize and hope you will resume checking the blog periodically for new and hopefully interesting updates. As the title of this post indicates, all things including time itself seem to be moving rather quickly now. We’re well into the third trimester, and A not only appears but also feels like she’s carrying a rather large bowling ball around her midsection.

Wanting to spend some time with us before the baby’s impending arrival (somehow nine weeks feels more like nine days), A’s mom traveled from Ohio the first weekend in November. She has missed being near A as she moves through pregnancy, so it was great to have her here for a few days. I think the highlight for Bonnie was going with us to one of our prenatal visits, meeting our fabulous midwife and getting to hear the baby’s healthy heartbeat (one of the many rapidly moving things). The high point for us may have been the day she held our hands as we made our first foray into the wilds of Babies-R-Us. We were petrified. Truthfully, we had been avoiding it. We thought we’d be able to get away with never setting foot inside, but Bonnie expertly navigated through aisles of car seats, bottle brushes, sippy cups, and crib bumpers (no, we’re not getting one). For all our reluctance, we had to admit there were some pretty damn cute outfits that any infant would be happy to parade around daycare (and from the look of our baby’s closet, it appears that Bonnie may have gotten us every one in the store!). But truly, Bonnie did us a solid. She sought out the essentials – like a car seat with awesome orange fabric – and things we never would have known we needed – like the t-shirts that fold over and snap down the side so you don’t have to wrangle them over the baby’s head, and baby nail clippers with a teeny magnifying glass so you don’t snip off the kid’s tender little digits.

Speaking of grandmothers, our moms already have their grandma monikers picked out. A’s mom will be Mammaw, a tradition on the Ohio side of the family, and my mom will be Mimi, as my grandmother is to me, which means I might have to start calling her “Big Mimi” to minimize any confusion, although at 96 she’s hardly a largish woman. But I digress.

Back to the business of the speed at which things are progressing. You wouldn’t believe how much the baby is kickboxing inside A’s ever-growing belly (maybe still celebrating the Obama victory.) Weirdly, it is very similar to the scene in the movie Alien, right before the creature springs from the guy’s chest. There is an enormous amount of rolling and protruding from within that is, in a word, freaktastic. Unfortunately, it’s pretty uncomfortable at times, and A’s ribs take a beating. We’re just hoping that as the baby grows it will become more difficult to dance on her kidneys and turn somersaults across her uterus. But things are a bit different from my perspective. I can hardly suppress the giggle that races through my heart when I rest my hands on A’s tummy and a tiny limb or back or bum pushes out, and I know that I am holding this baby.

5 Responses to “Moving along…like one of those high-speed Japanese commuter trains.”

  1. 1 Kate November 25, 2008 at 11:37 pm

    Holy cats! 9 weeks! I’m pulling for the aquarius baby! Can we get a video uploaded of the alien-ness because that’s something i would LOVE to see almost as much as these gorgeous pics of a. Does the little nugget respond to particular music/stimuli or is it pretty much anything and everything? MUCH MUCH LOVE!

  2. 2 Nancy November 26, 2008 at 2:19 pm

    hm, looking boy-ish in that picture…

  3. 3 J November 26, 2008 at 6:00 pm

    i wish i could get the alien on video–it’s a sight to see! it pretty much flails about according to its own whims and fancy. as soon as i have someone put their hand on it to feel–it gets still. defiant already!


  4. 4 Stephanie November 30, 2008 at 9:40 am

    Such a great update! Can’t wait to see you both next weekend!

    XO, S

  5. 5 Lynne December 1, 2008 at 8:48 am

    “Alien”…*shudder* đŸ™‚ I can’t believe this baby is going to be here in 9 weeks! Woo-hoo!

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